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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Mirroring two or more applications at the same time
GB-cookie   2014-06-11 04:04

I'm wondering if it's possible mirror 2 applications at the same time. We have 2 monitors, primary with 1920x1080 resolution and a secondary with 1366x768. The user is working only on primary monitor, the secondary is turned to the customer and the user does not see what's happening on it.

We need to mirror Firefox and Windows Picture Viewer. Is it possible to configure 2 hotkeys, that one starts mirroring FF and the other one WPV?

Is it also possible to show Wallpaper on secondary monitor without being configured as extended monitor? The cursor must be limited only to primary monitor.

Thank you in advance!

BR, Gregor
Christian Studer   2014-06-11 13:38
UltraMon mirroring can only mirror a single application at a time, but you could mirror two applications concurrently with the MirrorMon add-on.

Mirroring a specific application via hotkey could be done with a custom script, the script would update the registry so that this specific application gets mirrored, then start mirroring.

There is some support for restricting the mouse to specific monitors and preventing applications from getting moved off those monitors, but this requires a custom script. UltraMon mirroring uses this feature internally.

I would recommend testing with MirrorMon as well, once you know what you want to use let me know and I can create a script for you to mirror specific applications either via the regular mirroring feature or MirrorMon.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Mirroring two or more applications at the same time

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