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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Mirroring different parts of desktop on three or four seperate screens
Roy   2015-01-27 02:34

I'm having a application which is one fullscreen app.
I want to slice this fullscreen app in three parts and want every part shown on a seperate monitor.
I have four screens. My (main)laptop screen which is running the app and three other extra monitors.

Ultramon can see all my monitors, but mirroring let me only take one part to mirror to one or more screens.

Is it possible to let the (first) mirroring action run and start another "instance" or something like that to take another part of the screen to mirror on another screen and so on?

I hope this is possible!!

Thanks in advance.

Greetz Roy
Roy   2015-01-27 03:08
I see two vbs scripts on your site named: "MirrorMon.vbs" (working with coordinates) and "Mirroring.vbs" (which gives me target screens)

I think if they can be combined, I should have my solution?
Christian Studer   2015-01-27 13:15
You could do this with the MirrorMon add-on, using the following command line arguments:

MirrorMon.exe /s 2 0,0,100,100 /m 2,f

This will mirror the desktop area at 0,0 - 100,100 on monitor 2, with the MirrorMon window in fullscreen mode. By default the mirrored area will be scaled to fill the whole window, if you don't want this add the /z switch to set the zoom factor to 100% (original size):

MirrorMon.exe /s 2 0,0,100,100 /m 2,f /z 100

You could then launch 3 instances of MirrorMon from a batch file, each mirroring a different part of the application.

Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2015-01-27 13:16
Forgot to mention that you can find more information about the command line arguments in the Readme.txt file included with MirrorMon.

Christian Studer -
Roy   2015-01-28 00:41
I tried the commandline(s) in a batchfile, but I get one black screen and the second rule is not starting.

PS: I use 64 bit ultramon with the 32bit add on. Maybe that's a issue?
Roy   2015-01-28 01:20
UPDATE: Never mind. I changed the coordinates from left to right, instead of right to left and now it works like I meant.

I will try to test all screens simultaneously and if I reach my goal I will be more than happy to buy this application!!

Thanks for your (good) support.
Roy   2015-01-28 02:11
Extra question:

I see in the MirrorMon app, that I can choose the max update speed.

If I always want the fastest speed possible, do I have to change anything in my commandline?

Which speed is used when I use just the commandline you gave me?
Christian Studer   2015-01-28 15:21
The update speed can't be set on the command line, the last used setting as stored in the registry will be used.

The registry value is named Max Update Speed and is located under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft\UltraMon\Mirroring Legacy.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Mirroring different parts of desktop on three or four seperate screens

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