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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon feature suggestions
Christian Studer   2000-11-25 22:10
I'll use this space to provide feedback on all features suggested through the survey.

Move child windows of multi-window applications like Adobe Photoshop or Premiere with UltraMon:
Should be possible, expect this feature in beta 3 or 4.

Christian Studer
braindead   2000-11-27 02:27
add skinning, notes, pop3-checker, wallpaper-randomizer, shutodown shortcuts etc etc etc...

just kidding :) for me ultramon is fine the way it is! i wouldn't like to see more features at the cost of a blown exe. fixing bugs (i don't know any) is the way to go with ultramon.

what you should consider is programing some sort of stand-alone gamma/color adjusting tool for multimon users... or maybe a free & easy icm profile editor.

thanks for listening
Seraph   2000-11-27 03:42
The thing that remains my most saught after feature is just keeping ICQ in place on the secondary monitor, do it however possible.
Also I'm not really sure of exactly why it does it, but when using directx games that run at a lower resolution than normal the secondary monitor stays active but all the windows move down a certain amount off the screen. I'm sure you are aware of this. If there was a way to figure out what resolution the primary monitor changed to and adjust the positions of the windows on the secondary to keep them centered on the screen that would be quite useful.
Ultramon remains one of the best shareware products I have ever used, and one of the only I have registered.

Christian Studer   2000-11-27 05:54
braindead, wallpaper-randomizer could be in beta 4 :-) I actually do have some sort of wallpaper design tool planned. Gamma is also planned, but probably won't make it into UltraMon 2. BTW, PowerStrip 3 will have multimon gamma adjustment.

Seraph, the DirectX problem will be fixed with the new games shortcuts (in beta 3). As for ICQ, I can't promise anything, but I'll give it another shot.

Christian Studer
braindead   2000-11-27 21:31
new features are nice, but once they are just gimmicks please put them into a separate exe. the main reason i prefer ultramon over powerstrip is that it is so small and clean. i hate the idea of having a ram hog full of features that i never use (=powerstrip).
Christian Studer   2000-11-28 02:22
I'll keep an eye on memory usage.

Suggestions for new features:

Save and restore icon features on the right-click menu:
- will be added in beta 3 or 4, depending on when support for menu customization will be added.

Taskbar stretched across all monitors:
- this is on the feature list for beta 4, but at the moment I'm not sure if it is possible at all.

Multi-monitor shortcut that maximizes the application to the desktop:
- this will be possible with beta 3.

Better support for TwinView cards under Win2000:
- this won't be possible, UltraMon requires video cards with full multi-monitor support. BTW, the latest Nvidia drivers apparently have improved Win2000 support.

Bug reports:

Desktop toolbars on secondary monitors aren't restored to their original position when re-enabling secondary monitors:
- this should work fine on Win2000, unfortunately it is not possible to do this on Win98/Me (Quick Launch, etc. have built-in support for this though). Please contact me if you are using Win2000.

When using a screen saver on the secondary monitor, the system freezes on shutdown:
- make sure you have UltraMon 2.0 Beta 2, there were some issues with Beta 1 on Win98/Me.

Christian Studer
braindead   2000-11-28 13:49
If might be nice to have a fourth gadget on the windows caption bar (right side)... which would be the "maximize to desktop" thingy. i've seen some programs like zipmagic that add extra gadgets. maybe you could even use one of those big boxes that are already in the marlett font to avoid messing the gdi too much. not sure if it is worth the trouble tho.
Christian Studer   2000-12-03 00:57
Maximize to desktop button on window title bar:
- should be possible, I'll look into it. Will be an optional feature.

Hotkeys for disabling monitors, and for tiling windows:
- will be added in beta 3 or 4.

Bug reports:

Frequently hangs when shutting down windows:
- this happens if UltraMon tries to save icon positions, but the shell (explorer.exe) has already been shutdown. Should be fixed in beta 3.

Christian Studer
Chris Funk   2000-12-29 22:12
I don't know how difficult it would be, but would it be possible to add multiple "profiles"? My wife claims she can't read anything at the high resolution that I prefer, so it would be nice to be able to set up a "Wife" profile that sets the resolutions, another for games, which disables the secondary monitor, etc.

Also, if I shut down with the secondary display disabled, when I reboot ultramon seems to think that both displays are primary, therefore, "Enable secondary" doesn't work.

Great product. Looking forward to the future betas.

Christian Studer   2000-12-30 03:01
Chris, this will be possible with the new shortcuts feature in beta 3.

Enabling the secondary after rebooting should work, please send me more information (UltraMon version, operating system, video cards).

Christian Studer
Ben Edelman   2001-02-18 10:21
To add to braindead's suggestion (a "maximize to desktop" button on each window's title bar, i.e. to the left of the minimize button)...

In the same area, a "toggle to other monitor" button (for those of us who have "just" two monitors), or some appropriate way of sending a program to one of multiple other screens ("send to next monitor" or separate "send to monitor x" buttons, or a drop-down, or whatever you think is best).

Reasons why this would be a handy feature:

* Ordinarily I do this with my keyboard, but sometimes I'm using a wireless mouse or am otherwise indisposed and can't use the keyboard.

* Some of my acquanitances who use Ultramon have it configured with different keyboard shortcuts than my own. When I sit down at their systems, it's nice to be able to move a window easily to a different screen, without having to restore-drag-maximize or check their Ultramon settings.

* Some novice users (my mother!) much prefer to use the mouse to click on buttons and icons, rather than memorize keyboard shortcuts. Understandable enough, I guess.

* Shouldn't be hard. Once you learn how to add buttons to the title bar (required for braindead's "maximize to desktop" feature), adding options for another button or couple buttons isn't a real big deal, I wouldn't think.

Ben Edelman
Harvard Law School
Christian Studer   2001-02-19 06:52
Thanks for the suggestion, I have added it to the feature list. Should make it into 2.0 final.

Support for moving maximized windows with the mouse simply by dragging the title bar is also planned.

Christian Studer
Anders Troberg   2001-02-23 18:07
Probably not possible, but a feature that allowed different wallpapers on different screens would be nice.

Another thing I don't know if it's possible, but one which I think would fix the ICQ problem is if you were able to change the coordinate system to have it's origin on the top left screen corner, instead of the top left corner on the primary screen. Quite a few programs screw up on negative coordinates, and some development packages (like Visual Basic) can not accurately query the OS for screen dimensions (they just get the max values, and assumes that the min values are zero).

With or without these features, it's a great program!

Christian Studer   2001-02-25 01:51
A wallpaper designer is planned for one of the next releases. This will basically allow you to position background pictures on each monitor, maybe do some other stuff as well.

But you can already do this manually, see the FAQ for more information.

The only way of changing the origin of the desktop coordinate system is changing the primary monitor (as far as I know)...

Christian Studer
Anders Troberg   2001-03-02 18:40
Sorry, forgot to read the FAQ before opening my mouth. I will slap myself repeatedly! :-)

One cool feature would be maximizing the way it works with Matrox dual-head drivers, ie the window is maximized over all screens it currently spans.

That way, I could position a window between the left and middle screen if I wanted to maximize it over those two screens. If I wanted to maximize over all three screens, I just stretch the window to occupy at least some of each screen and maximize.

It would be more intuitive and less keys to remember.

Winger   2001-03-19 23:46
A feature to switch the primary and secondary displays in Win2k would be useful.

At present i use my Voodoo3 as primary when using Windows etc, but then when i want to play a game i have to go into display properties and select my Geforce as primary.

A quicker way to do this would be useful.
Winger   2001-03-19 23:56
scrap that :) i didnt realise i wasnt using the most uptodate version of Ultramon.

There aren't really any other features i would say i need.
bztz   2001-03-26 02:36
is it possible to add a `turn off speceific

monitors (sleep mode)` feature ?
Christian Studer   2001-03-27 06:37
Not sure if this is possible, but I'll look into it.

Christian Studer
jonathan   2001-06-08 16:23
okay heres my deal
i have 3 vid cards all setup and working fine with win98 multimon support
i have a voodoo3 w/ tv output for a monitor as my primary display and i have 2 normal monitors hooked up to 2 ati xpert@play card things. so when i boot all is good and i can move winamp and movie files and dvd and all that good stuph to the tv and have my 2 monitors on my desk for all other apps. so my prob is that new windows always open up on the primary display the tv, so my tv is across the room, i dont want to look over and move the window across to use it. does anyone have any suggestions on how to have all new windows show up on one of my secondary displays, a proggie or a command line thing or a ultramon feature or something that would help me out? welp thanks in advance for any info

Christian Studer   2001-06-12 11:21
You could use UltraMon shortcuts to open applications on a specific monitor. But most applications should open on the monitor they were on the last time.

Christian Studer
Cal   2001-11-15 12:58
An plans to support Windows XP virtual desktop management? Right now - I have four different desktops each with unique wallpapers - but Ultramon gets confused by this features so I have to clone the secondary monitor's wallpaper -

If I set the wallpaper in Ultramon then swtich to VDM and return to Ultramon - my wallpaper choices are gone.

Christian Studer   2001-11-15 22:59
See this thread for details on using UltraMon wallpapers with MSVDM.

Christian Studer -
Matt Motherway   2001-12-05 07:43
I use instant messaging (aim, yahoo) all the time. Is there any way add support to have the instant message window flash on the smart taskbar like it does on the regular windows taskbar, when you get a new message?
Christian Studer   2001-12-05 07:50
I'm looking into it for Beta 6, but I'm not sure yet if it can be done. If possible, this feature will be added.

Christian Studer -
Tim Paulaskas   2008-11-04 04:10
Is there any possibility of restricting applications from appearing centered between my two screens? Sometimes using an application a simply message box prompt or an instant message appears 50% on my left monitor and 50% on my right monitor. I suspect that somehow the application is getting that my resolution is 1280(x2) x 1024. Which leads me to believe there is a double edged sword where you want to restrict the application to one screen except for when you don't. So perhaps a restriction list where you can list the applications that you want to limit to only one monitor?

Tim Paulaskas
Christian Studer   2008-11-04 09:43
Are you using span mode, where the operating system sees a single wide monitor instead of two?

Usually this is only an issue when span mode is used instead of regular extended desktop mode.

Christian Studer -
Jeff Yates   2008-11-05 02:15
How do you check for span mode? I have never heard of it.
Christian Studer   2008-11-05 10:48
You'll have a single wide monitor in Display Properties instead of two, for example if you have two 1024x768 monitors, Display Properties would show a single 2048x768 monitor.

Christian Studer -
Pedro   2008-12-04 23:28
Hidding a window from the taskbar.

Not hidding the window but just the title in the taskbar... usefull if there is a window with onTop activated and so with no need to be shown on the taskbar.

It could be activated in the menu or maybe a shortcut key to show all hidden titles.
alex   2008-12-05 23:10
The survey is down.
I'd really love to see UltraMon's Taskbar show the pop up menu (on right click) items the 'original' one does.
Christian Studer   2008-12-06 00:08
alex, this will be in the 3.0.4 release.

Christian Studer -
DarkSchneider94   2015-08-10 18:28
The only sugggestion I have is a feature i miss from window 7 with the smart task bar. i've updated to windows ten and the feature i miss the most is when i use to be able to right click a program on my extra task bar on one of my other screens and i cloud right click it and use the move to monitor function other. that would be great to have back on windows 10
Christian Studer   2015-08-11 13:01
This is still available, but you'll need to press SHIFT when right-clicking the task button, this will open the application's window menu with the UltraMon commands.

Another way to get to this menu is to right-click the task preview.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon feature suggestions

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