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josh Marpet 2020-09-21 11:18
I'm using Windows 10. I've got an android tablet, using Spacedesk, as a secondary monitor in a teleprompter. Ultramon sees it perfectly, and the mouse works, static things work, but video, such as youtube, and zoom, microsoft teams, etc, do not mirror properly to the secondary monitor. The attendee controls in zoom show up, but the video does not. The rest of the window in a web browser shows up, but the video of youtube does not. I'd love to be able to use this.
Christian Studer 2020-09-22 14:39
Are you mirroring the whole monitor or just a specific application?
Christian Studer -
josh marpet 2020-09-23 09:31
I am mirroring a specific application. My only other monitor is...rather large to try to mirror on a small andoid tablet. :)
I am using spacedesk to make the android tablet a monitor, then mirroring zoom or teams or skype to the tablet. I've tried several apps. Webpages work, word docs, etc. Even the meeting controls from the zoom app show up, the mouse pointer shows up, and moves successfully, etc. Just the video areas do not show. Youtube, zoom, skype, same same.
Christian Studer 2020-09-23 15:35
For me this works fine with YouTube videos (running in Microsoft Edge), but I've seen the same issue with Zoom.
You could try mirroring the whole or part of the monitor instead, this works differently from application mirroring.
Something else you could try is the MirrorMon add-on, which also handles mirroring just a single window differently from regular UltraMon mirroring.
Christian Studer -
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