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Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Screensaver only on one display
Accius   2007-07-05 20:01
is it possible to run the screensaver only on one display and never on the other one?
Thanks in advance :)
aug   2007-07-05 20:20
Hi Accius,

Yes you can run the screen saver on one monitor only. just go to: control panel --> Display --> screen saver. Then where you would normally choose what screen saver you want, select 'UltraMon'. Next, click on 'Settings' (next to 'Preview') and you should have another window pop up.

Click on the very top drop menu (there should be two of them - one on top another with 'Screen Saver' in between them). Here choose which monitor you want to have the screen saver on. Next, choose the screen saver you want in the second drop menu (the drop menu just above 'Preview').

Now go back to the first drop menu to choose the monitor you want to leave blank. Now, where you select the screensaver in the first case, select the blank section right at the top off all other screen savers (it has no text and it looks like there is just a gap). you can preview what you have chosen, otherwise just click 'OK' and you should return the the display menu. click 'OK' again and now your set.

hope this helps

if you know your legs are going to be cut off tomorrow, are you going ot sit on the couch and cry; or are you going to get up and run and jump and do awesome air=kicks?
Accius   2007-07-05 23:34
Hmmm...i'm sorry:i think i didn't explain well what i need:while on the 1st monitor the screen saver is on,i would like that on the other monitor it isn't on.
What i want to achieve is that on the 2nd monitor i always see the web page (and nothing else,including the screensaver) while on the 1st anything can happen (including the screensaver).Is that possible?
Christian Studer   2007-07-06 11:02
UltraMon doesn't support this directly, what you could do is launch a screen saver manually on only one monitor using the UltraMon Screen Saver Player add-on.

Please note that not all screen savers will work with the screen saver player.

Christian Studer -
GdabZ   2007-07-13 21:32
It would be just fine if you could implement this functionnality in the next release of Ultramon.

I'm using my second screen for monitoring, and it displays static windows : residual traces of the windows' frames are visible when I move them because they stayed too long at the same place.

So, when I do not move my cursor onto my second screen - when it is idle - I would like it to go in sleep mode.

Thanks !

P.S. : Sorry for the broken English, I'm French
nick   2018-03-16 14:32
Hi I can’t get Dream Aquarium to launch manually on one monitor using the addon. Is there a work around for this?

Christian Studer   2018-03-18 10:27
Unfortunately no, the screen saver doesn't have a live preview mode, which is used by the screen saver player to run screen savers.

Christian Studer -
Foren -> UltraMon™ -> Screensaver only on one display

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