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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Custom Window Settings not working.
BDMagee   2002-10-31 09:50
When I set my custom windows settings to open a window in a specified position, it only works a few times then windows starts opening in different location. The correct position data is still displayed in the UltraMon - Windows tab; windows just doesn't open where specified.

Running Windows XP pro SP 1
UltraMon 2.0 RC2
Christian Studer   2002-10-31 09:55
What application are you trying to position with UltraMon?

Christian Studer -
BDMagee   2002-11-05 02:35
Windows Explorer shortcut to a specific directory
Christian Studer   2002-11-06 11:06
Positioning Explorer doesn't work at all for me, I'll look into this (after 2.0 final).

Christian Studer -
BDMagee   2002-11-08 00:57
Thank You
David Sisson   2002-11-10 10:01
I've had troubles with Yahoo Messenger! It sizes the first dialog (loading, etc.), but it doesn't properly position the final window (which is the desired effect).
Christian Studer   2002-11-11 06:28
I have found the problem with Explorer, but there is no easy fix for this. I'll see if I can find a solution for a future release.

As a workaround, you can use the script to launch Explorer and move it to the desired monitor. You'll need to customize 3 lines at the top of the script for your needs.

Let me know if you have any questions about using the script. If you want to exactly position the window or resize it, this can be done as well.

Christian Studer -
Christian Studer   2002-11-11 06:39
Yahoo Messenger should work fine with a 'last used position' shortcut, explicit positioning doesn't work as expected because of the connection dialog.

On the Window tab, set Show to Last Used Position. The first time you use the shortcut, you'll need to move the window manually to the desired monitor.

Christian Studer -
TBNZee   2004-06-25 11:30
Is there any possible way to launch games onto the secondary monitor?
Christian Studer   2004-06-25 22:27
Moving a game to a different monitor won't work, but you could change the primary monitor before starting the game (requires Windows 2000 or later).

The game will then run on the new primary monitor.

Christian Studer -
Geiger   2006-08-27 04:42
I'm having a similar problem with Firefox. I have 2 same sized monitors with the secondary to the left of the primary. I've tried changing FireFox shortcut on the desktop using properties Ultramon - Window and Ultramon - Display with no luck. It still launches Firefox to the left (secondary) display.

I also tried finding where the shortcut points to in windows explorer and going to properties, but the Ultramon tabs are not present.

I searched your site and this was as close as I came to finding something similar. Excellent program so far other than this.

Thanks in advance for your reply,
Christian Studer   2006-08-27 09:34
Do you have multiple instances of Firefox running?

UltraMon can only position the first instance, I'm going to look into this for the next release.

Christian Studer -
Geiger   2006-08-28 00:09
Only one instance running. For awhile it fixed its self it seemed, but this morning (no shutdown at night) it's back to the 2nd monitor.
Christian Studer   2006-08-28 10:23
Unfortunately I don't know what might cause this, works fine for me. I would recommend testing again with the next UltraMon release, 2.7.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Custom Window Settings not working.

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