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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Another Excel bug
Jeremy   2003-06-18 08:06
Can you tell I use Excel a lot with multiple monitors? :-)

1) Open Excel on the primary monitor.
2) Open the Visual Basic Editor on the secondary monitor.

Now, whenever a new Excel file is open it will open on the primary monitor (which is correct), but the task bar entry will end up on the Smart Taskbar on the secondary monitor.

Christian Studer   2003-06-19 12:30
Thanks for the bug report, should be fixed in the next release (2.2 final).

Christian Studer -
Jeremy   2003-07-29 03:46
I can verify that this has been fixed in the 2.2 beta 2 release.

Good work!
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Another Excel bug

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