lostotaku 2004-04-02 12:03
Unless I've simply failed to figure this out, there is no way to create two different directories for the two different moniters with the 'My Pictures Slideshow' screensaver in XP. As soon as you change the directory of pictures for one moniter it changes the other's as well. If possible, could you please find away around this problem in a future release? Thanks!
Christian Studer 2004-04-02 23:42
This is possible, but requires modifying a copy of the screen saver executable.
1) make a copy of ssmypics.scr from your Windows\System32 directory, and name it ssmypics2.scr
2) open ssmypics2.scr in a hex editor, for example Hex Workshop
3) search for the Unicode string 'Screen Saver.Slideshow', then replace the 'w' at the end with '2'
When you open the UltraMon screen saver configuration again, you'll have My Pictures Slideshow and ssmypics2 on the list of screen savers. Each instance of the screen saver can be configured independently.
This also works with other screen savers included with Windows, see this thread for information on modifying the Marquee screen saver.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
Itkovan 2005-02-04 00:04
I tried that trick of yours in xp, and i acnt find "Screen Saver.Slideshow" in it anywhere... any other tips?
Christian Studer 2005-02-04 19:35
Make sure to search for a Unicode string, meaning that each second character is a zero.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
rob 2005-05-10 20:26
I have run the hex editor and modified the copy of the .src file. Ultramon sees the two savers (my pictures slideshow and ssmypics2) and can configure them individually.
What i want is a separate slideshow on each screen. However when i run the screensaver (with the slideshow on monitor 1 and ssmypics2 on monitor 2) only one screensaver displays (ie only one monitor shows an image at any one time - which is the same as having a my pic slideshow anyway)
Any ideas?
Christian Studer 2005-05-11 09:37
Check that 'preview mode' is checked for the screen saver running on the primary monitor.
Otherwise the first instance of the screen saver will run on all monitors, due to My Pictures Slideshow having native multi-monitor support.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
rob 2005-05-11 21:08
with preview mode on it will not accept keyboard input (ie cannot scrolle through images using the arrow keys).
Christian Studer 2005-05-12 02:33
Unfortunately there's no workaround for this, the screen saver will ignore keyboard/mouse input in preview mode.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
ggreen 2006-09-25 11:00
I have 4 monitors. I want to run a slideshow on monitor #4 (which will not be used for computing, but only for a permanent slideshow). However, the screen saver program will not allow me to avoid having a screen saver on the primary monitor (which is #2). I cannot make #4 the primary because I will loose the conveniences of having my main monitor working for me as the primary one for computing.
How can disable the screen saver for my primary (#2) and get it to run only on #4?
Christian Studer 2006-09-26 08:45
UltraMon doesn't support this directly, what you could do is use the UltraMon Screen Saver Player add-on to run the screen saver only on monitor 4 manually.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com