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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon with Citrix/Term Serv
David Diaz DeLeon   2005-01-21 03:49

Does UltraMon work well in a Citrix/Term Serv environment like it does on a regular connection? If so, please tell me how. It is a great product and I want to implement this on 35 remote workstations in this type of environment. Thanks in advance. product
Tantalus   2005-01-21 04:37
>>Does UltraMon work well in a Citrix/Term Serv environment like it does on a regular connection

maybe it's just me, but i fail to see what you're getting at.

ultramon is meant to be an interatively run, local program. thus if you are not running it on the local host or if you are not remotely controlling a ultramon-enabled desktop host via VNC, pcAnywhere, or something similar then you're aren't going to materially benefit.

if you are looking to expand the desktop for your citrix users, the answer would be to look at what can be done on the user's desktop side, not the server backend. the only thing that comes to mind for the server piece is to install some sort of virtual desktop client...
Kevin   2005-02-19 07:44
I'm not quite sure what you're looking to do, here. As a Citrix developer, the Metaframe Presentation Server doesn't support multiple monitors. So what exactly are you looking for UltraMon to do in this case? Seamless Applications already (for the most part) work with UltraMon.

Josh   2006-01-23 16:06
Well, I'm looking for the same feature, since the citrix client looks at a multimonitor situation on a desktop as follows, biggest x by biggest y, and for a published desktop, it launches as biggest x by biggest y (i.e. a 1024x768 monitor and a 270 degree rotated 1024x1280(that is a 1024x1280 panel on its side), it launches a 2048x1280 desktop, and the start bar shows up about 2 inches below the 1024x768 screen. And if I use 2 monitors with identical resolutions side by side, it comes up spanned, with no control for maximizing, so if i want 2 apps displayed side by side, its all manual sizing.
Christian Studer   2006-01-24 10:05
UltraMon won't help with this, this issue would need to be fixed in the Citrix client.

Christian Studer -
Mike   2006-02-01 01:11
When a Citrix published app launches it gets the resolution from the primary monitor. If the secondary monitor is in portrait mode then the bottom and the top sections of the monitor can't be used by the published application. There is also an issue when using a wide screen laptop and a normal second monitor. The other issue we have is that a published application has its position on the second monitor connected to a laptop then the laptop is taken off site and run without the second monitor. The application will still open on the now non existent second monitor.

Will Ultramon help with any of these issues?
Christian Studer   2006-02-01 11:04
UltraMon might help with the issue of offscreen applications, you could configure a Move Window hotkey and press this hotkey when the application launches offscreen.

Go to UltraMon Options > Hotkeys to configure the hotkey.

I would recommend testing if this does actually work with Citrix windows.

Christian Studer -
John B   2008-07-29 08:28
We work in a Citrix published App environment. While we get the benefit from the Smart Taskbar, we are not able to use the move window buttons with any of the published applicatons. I've tried programming hotkeys, but this does not work either. Is there any way to get this to work?


John B.
Christian Studer   2008-07-29 09:41
Unfortunately I can't test with Citrix, but it sounds like Citrix actively prevents the window from getting moved, otherwise I would expect the hotkey to work fine.

If an application restricts how its windows can be moved/sized, there's nothing UltraMon can do about it.

Christian Studer -
Ben   2008-08-06 19:31
I don't know if this helps, but the only possibility or solutions to control the multi-monitor-behaviour from the server seems at the moment a P690?!?

Matrox P690 plus remote desktop management for virtually hosted sessions
(server with Microsoft® RDP or Citrix® ICA® protocols):
Matrox Remote PowerDesk:
Matrox Remote PowerSpace:
Mark Rushko   2008-09-01 17:49
SplitView provides Ultramon like functionality for Citrix and Terminal Server, both for published applications and published desktops.
jvlad   2008-09-25 02:21
Note for Christian Studer:

If you hotkeys dont work it may be because the Citrix ICA client has its own set of predefined hotkeys. Try disabling the ICA client hotkeys.

You can disable these machine wide by going to the fallowing registry key. Backup key first :)

HKLM\software\citrix\ica client\engine\configuration\advanced\modules\hotkeys

Change the F?? key value to 0 and its disabled.

Then try the UltraMon hotkeys. Love that program.

I am also having Citrix dual mon issues where i cannot drag my session form one monitor to the other unless i change my resolution OR color depts and then try it. It does not matter what i change these to as long as i do a change each time i boot up. Pissing me off. Some people are saying to keep both monitors at the same resolution and color depts but this does not work for me.


dont have one.
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> UltraMon with Citrix/Term Serv

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