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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Mirroring and different Win XP user accounts
JC   2005-04-19 23:52
I'm having a problem with a mirroring shortcut. I've set up 2 user accounts, one is an administrator account that is password protected, and only I have the password for, the other is a limited account for everyone else to use. After the computer is turned on or rebooted, and someone in the limited account tries to launch the mirroring shortcut, I get the following message.

"Failed to start mirroring. This can happen if the mirror driver hasn't been loaded. If you just installed Ultramon and haven't restarted you system yet, please restart and try again."

If I exit out of this account, go into the Admin account and launch the shortcut, it works, and will also worked in the limited account from then on, until the next restart or reboot. Then the problem starts again.

Is there a way I can stop this, so that I don't have to have someone call me everytime they turn on the computer.

JC Gould
Christian Studer   2005-04-20 07:34
This should work fine.

Please check if the UltraMon Utility Driver is started when you log in as a limited user. This driver is used to enable non-admin users to use mirroring.

To do this, open Device Manager, then select View > Show hidden devices from the menu, expand the Non-Plug and Play Drivers group and open Properties for the UltraMon Utility Driver.

On the Driver tab, the current status should be 'Started'.

Christian Studer -
JC   2005-04-20 23:55
I guess what I'm wondeing is, is there a way to make sure that every time you log on, the driver is "started" ???

JC Gould
Christian Studer   2005-04-21 04:23
The driver should get started at system startup, before any user logs in.

If you reboot the system, log in as a limited user, and then check the driver status, is the driver shown as being started?

Christian Studer -
JC   2005-04-29 05:25
Yes it does show it as started

JC Gould
Christian Studer   2005-04-29 09:25
For further troubleshooting, please run MirrorDrvTest.exe and send me the generated log file to

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Mirroring and different Win XP user accounts

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