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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Changing Messenger Windows
Tom Howard   2005-05-26 03:37
I hope this hasn't been covered before, I searched but couldn't find anything, but anyway. When using msn messenger if I try and transfer a chat window between monitors using the ultramon transfer monitor button, I find that between the menu bar (file, edit etc) and the tool bar (invite, send files, webcam etc) I get a "gap". And a gap it certainly is as it shows what ever I have below it.

This has happened in both v6, and now v7 scince I upgraded, and I don't know why. It only affects chat windows, and the main messenger window is fine. But it means to change windows I have to manually drag them between them. Just wondered if there's anything I can do to fix it.

Christian Studer   2005-05-26 22:54
Thanks for the bug report, this issue has been fixed for the next release.

As a workaround, restore the window before clicking on the Move Window button. The problem only occurs with maximized chat windows.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Changing Messenger Windows

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