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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> MCE 2005 Video Support
Ricardo   2005-08-04 15:20

I'm trying something that is probably not possible but I'd thought I'd pose the question anyhow.

I'm using a case with an internal touchscreen LCD that sync's at 1024x768 (4:3) and want to run a 1920x1080 (16:9) on the cards projector output, I can run Ultramon in mirroring for the MCE interface, video outputs only on the LCD. If I disable Video Overlay as the program suggests, MCE no longer see's the graphics card as being compatiable and no video at all is displayed.

Is this something that may be fixed in the future? Or am I just completely out of luck :).

Many thanks, Richard.
Christian Studer   2005-08-05 08:27
If you don't have UltraMon 2.6 installed, try if it works with the new release.

2.6 uses a different method to disable video overlays, which might be compatible with MCE, but I haven't tested this myself.

Christian Studer -
Ricardo   2005-08-05 13:06
Thanks Christian, unfortunately with 2.6 it has the same issue (MCE comes up with an error that it's not a MCE compatible video card) and video won't display.

Many thanks for the quick reply.
Christian Studer   2005-08-06 09:37
Unfortunately there's no fix for this, looks like MCE requires video overlays to be enabled.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> MCE 2005 Video Support

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