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Child windows appear on the primary display, the parent app is on the secodary. esJani 3 2004-02-09 18:11
w2k problems with two seperated cards Bas 9 2004-02-09 17:55
MOnitors won't stay in configuration wbarber69 2 2004-02-09 11:01
laptop config for multi monitors?? Gord 2 2004-02-09 06:59
HELP!! ATI Radeon 7500 w/ Dual Monitors TransAmGuy 2 2004-02-09 06:13
backgrounds for multi monitor setup metroman 0 2004-02-08 14:56
Gaming span 3 monitors QUAKE 3 Zero Burn 3 2004-02-08 06:42
Need to make sure im not throwing away money. ligitninja 4 2004-02-08 02:23
having slide show / screen saver running on secondary monitor while working on primary callidus 7 2004-02-07 11:15
GF3ti200 and R7000 Questions (and how to go below 800x600) Vance 2 2004-02-06 17:09
Compatability problems with AGP R9700 and PCI R9200 VIVO cards Ewano 12 2004-02-05 22:20
Muli Monitor + TV out GT 3 2004-02-05 22:08
Assigning launch monitor Lazerin 1 2004-02-05 21:44
AGP companion card Christian 1 2004-02-05 21:27
Possible to span (i.e. blow up) a 1280x1024 game output to 2 monitors? Paul W 2 2004-02-05 21:22
Dual Monitors plus TV = Confused Koert 2 2004-02-05 21:21
2 projectors while controling on the monitor? aguie 4 2004-02-05 21:17
Is a new Matrox Parhelia comming out soon? DaMaDo 1 2004-02-05 11:37
HELP! Computer crashes when trying to work dualview (geforce2) Noam 0 2004-02-05 11:03
i just want to watch video! Abs 7 2004-02-05 05:26
Icons jumping from secondary to primary numknuf 2 2004-02-04 11:56
Can you help? Darren Bennett 0 2004-02-04 07:55
Dual Monitor with individual Profiles Peter Corbett 1 2004-02-04 07:08
Win2k, SiS 6326 and S3 Virge: display controllers don't work together Rene 3 2004-02-04 07:04
my monitors are backwards! jasonthe29th 4 2004-02-02 14:06
Enabling Multi-Monitor with VB?? Nathan 0 2004-02-01 23:18
card reccomendation jeff bigger 2 2004-02-01 11:20
18 monitors on 1 Windows NT box ecarlson 0 2004-02-01 09:37
AGP to card 1 on A7N8X ssilvo 1 2004-02-01 09:31
need advice on video card(s) to run 3 LCDs with DVI Jason Burroughs 9 2004-01-31 16:14

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